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Support STEM Education

STEM is for everyone, everyday.

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STEM - Our Lives Depend On It

STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Math.

It means more than subjects in school. It's how the human species has survived.

The wheel. Building the Acropolis and the Brooklyn Bridge. Flying to the Moon...and back. Modern medicine. The iPhone.

STEM touches every part of every life, every day. Having the opportunity to learn and understand STEM should be a right for all people. Everybody.

The LA STEM Collective serves as the STEM Ecosystem for Los Angeles, helping to provide STEM learning opportunities for everyone; especially communities of color that have been historically marginalized.

LA STEM connects organizations and industry partners to create career pathways for the youth of Los Angeles.

Your support helps us bring these learning experiences and career opportunities to more young people in our community, which helps create a stronger, smarter, and more sustainable city.